Park Advanced Functional Textile Lab
연세대학교 기능성섬유시스템 연구실

Academic Honors
Selected Presentation
Park, Yaewon (박예원)
Yaewon Park is an assistant professor at the Department of Clothing and Textiles, Yonsei University. She graduated from Seoul National University with a bachelor`s and master`s degrees in textile science. With the provost doctoral recruitment fellowship, Yaewon earned Ph.D. in Fiber and Polymer Science from North Carolina State University. Her doctoral research focused on the biomimetic surface coating of nanofibers for water purification. From 2019-2021, she worked as a postdoctoral research associate at the Advanced Science Research Center of City University of New York. Her postdoctoral research was on water-responsive silk materials for sustainable energy applications. Now she aspires to lead her own research on functional textiles powered by water and microorganisms and prepare students for the textiles field.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Advanced Science Research Center/City University of New York
Project: Silk-Based Composite Materials for Humidity-Responsive Actuators
Advisor: Dr. Xi Chen
Ph.D in Fiber and Polymer Science
with Graduate Certificate in Nonwoven Science and Technology
North Carolina State University
Project: Bioinspired Surface Inorganic Coating of Nanofibers for Water Purification
Advisor: Dr. Ericka Ford
M.S. in Textile Science
Seoul National University
Project: Superhydrophobic textiles by controlled nanomorphologies
Advisor: Dr. Chung Hee Park
B.S. in Textile Science
Seoul National University
2019 CUNY Summer Undergraduate Research Program Mentor Travel Award
2019 MRS Postdoc Hardship Registration Grant
2018 Fashion and Textiles Best Paper Award
2017 NC State University Graduate Student Association Award for Conferences
2017 NC Sea Grant - Water Resources Research Institute Graduate Research Fellowship
2016 Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network Best Image Award
2015 Outstanding Poster Award, The Korean Home Economics Association
2014 Provost Doctoral Recruitment Fellowship
Yonsei University since 2021
CNT 2114: Understanding Apparel Materials (의류재료의 이해)
CNT 8026: Special Topics in Functional Fibers and Polymeric Materials (기능성섬유및고분자물질)
CNT 9057: Advances in Functional Fibers and Polymer Research (기능성섬유의류소재융합연구세미나)
CNT 3128: Care and Maintenance of Clothing (의복관리)
CNT 6065: Science of Textile Finishing (섬유가공이론)
LearnUs Open Course: Sustainable Washing and disposal of textile Products (지속가능한 의류제품 세탁 및 폐기)
박예원*, 지속가능한 친환경 의류섬유소재, 2023 섬유아카데미, 부산 해운대, 2023
Y. Park*, Undergraduate and Graduate Curriculum on Fiber and Textile Science of Yonsei University, Korea, Invited talk at the 2023 Japan-Korea Symposium on Clothing Higher Education, Seoul National University, 2023
Y. Park*, Mushroom-derived Chitinous Polymers for Various Textile Applications , Invited seminar at the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Bioresources, Seoul National University, 2023
Y. Park*, Utilizing Untapped Resources Toward Advanced Textiles, Invited seminar at the The Korean Fiber Society Spring Meeting, 2021
Y. Park*, Nature Inspired Engineering for Functional Textiles, Invited seminar at the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH), 2021
Y. Park*, Y. Jung, R. Tu, X. Chen, Controlling Microstructure of Bombyx mori Silk for Water-responsive Actuation, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 2019. (Best poster award nominee)
Y. Park*, E. Ford, Biomineralization-inspired Mineral Coating for Nanofiber Adsorbents Development, Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium, ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2018. (Department representative)
Y. Park*, E. Ford, Effect of Surface Chemistry of Nanofibers on Mineral Coating, The Fiber Society 2017 Fall Conference, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA, 2017.
Kim J., Yun C., Park Y., Park C.H.*, Sustainability Indexes of Textile Products Focused on ‘Use Phase’ of the Lifecycle, The Korean Home Economics Association Spring Conference, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 2015. (Best poster award)