Park Advanced Functional Textile Lab
연세대학교 기능성섬유시스템 연구실
Our Goal
We seek to advance textiles' boundaries toward innovative applications including but not limited to soft robotics, sensors and actuators, filtration, and protective gears. To achieve our goal, we work to understand surface and macroscopic level of interactions between water and textiles that are crucial for many of textiles' basic functions. With sustainable manufacturing and usage in mind, we aim to to utilize the most abundant natural resource -microorganisms- to develop technical textiles. See below for our specific projects.
Research Grants
[책임] 2024-27 한국연구재단 우수신진연구, 자연유래 피브릴 조립을 통한 친환경 기능성 섬유재료의 생산과 응용 (Bio-derived fibril assembly toward sustainable and technical textile fiber production and real-world applications)
[참여] 2024-27 한국연구재단 글로벌기초연구실, 자원순환형 첨단 섬유소재 기초연구실 (BRL for CIRCULAR DEVELOPMENT of WASTE-DERIVED ADVANCED TEXTILES)
[참여] 2024 경찰청, 경찰 공무원의 복제 종합개선을 위한 사전 연구 (Pilot study for police officer uniform reformation)
[co-PI] 2023- ORNL (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Neutron Sciences Beam Time Award, IPTS-31550
[참여] 2022-24 과학기술정보통신부/행정안전부 국민생활안전 긴급대응연구사업, 현장 활동환경을 고려한 민방위대원 복제 개발 (Development of Civil Defense Clothing for the Field Activities)
[책임] 2021-24 한국연구재단 생애첫연구, 천연 및 재생섬유 기반 수분반응 액츄에이터 (Natural and Regenerated Fiber-based System for Water Responsive Actuators), NRF-2021R1G1A1091514
[책임] 2021-24 연세대학교 미래선도연구사업, 섬유시스템의 수분반응 액츄에이터로의 응용 (Textile Fiber-based Water Responsive Actuators), 2023-22-0112
Research Interests
Closed-loop Processing for Sustainable & Functional Textiles
Explore renewable sources for textile fiber production
Establish the process-structure-property relationship on textile fiber for sustainable development of technical textiles
Fundamental Understanding of Water-Textile Interactions
Water-textile interaction at surface to macroscopic level
Toward predictive engineering of textiles' physical properties
Textile-based Water Responsive Actuators
Utilize sustainable and ubiquitous water energy
Textile design for scaling up
Potential applications: soft robots, artificial muscles, sensors, actuators, protection, energy harvesting
Functional Fibers Created with Microorganisms
Use microbes (fungi, bacteria, spores, etc) that are abundant in nature to functionalize textile fibers
Potential applications: decontaminating fibers, stimuli responsive actuators & sensors, biomedical materials